The most common type of UTI is a bladder infection, which is also often called cystitis. Cystitis literally means an inflammation of the bladder. The other kind of UTI is a kidney infection, which is also known as pyelonephritis. This kind of infection can be serious, but if treated quickly, the kidney is not usually damaged permanently.
Although they cause discomfort, UTIs are quickly and easily treated. However, it's important that they are treated promptly. You cannot get a UTI from someone else, although females who are just becoming sexually active often get them. Sometimes chlamydia can also cause a UTI.
Nearly 85 percent of UTIs are caused by the bacteria Escherichia coli, or E. coli. When the bacteria pass through the urethra, they can get inside the bladder and cause an infection.
There are several ways bacteria can get into the urethra. During sexual intercourse, the bacteria in the vaginal area can be pushed into the urethra, which causes irritation in the bladder. In fact, any time the vaginal area is rubbed, bacteria can be pushed into the urethra. You can get a bladder infection from oral sex, too.
Symptoms include frequent urination, burning or pain during urination (dysuria), bladder spasms and the feeling of having to urinate even though little or no urine actually comes out. In some cases, cloudy, bloody or foul-smelling urine, and maybe a mild fever can accompany a UTI.
Simple Bladder InfectionA bladder infection causes inflammation (irritation and swelling) of the bladder and urethra. This causes the sudden development of a predictable group of symptoms. Many women who have had a bladder infection in the past can identify the symptoms easily when they develop another infection. These symptoms usually include one or more of the following:
The need to urinate more often than normal, although only small amounts of urine are passed each time
A sudden need to urinate
Pain, burning or other discomfort during urination
The need to urinate at night
Pain in the lower abdomen
Blood in the urine
Urine that is cloudy, has an unpleasant odor or smells unusually strong
Complicated Bladder Infection
People with complicated bladder infections usually have symptoms similar to those with simple infections. However, patients may also develop additional symptoms such as fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, flank pain, back pain, or confusion if the bacteria spread from the urinary system to the blood stream or kidney.
Complicated bladder infections require longer treatment than simple infections. Further testing may also be needed to look at the structure Treatment Dosage
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