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The term ‘age spots’, or lentigines, refers to the brownish spots that, over time appear on your face and body as a result of overexposure to the sun. As we age our skin is subjected to more and more sun damage. Our skin has what is called ‘melanin pigment’ which absorbs sunlight and helps naturally protect our skin from UV rays. However as we age, our skin's natural ability to fend off UV rays from the sun begins to deteriorate, and as a result, we see the development of age spots.

Some people, have almost no melanin pigment and our skin does not do a good job of protecting us from the sun. Dark-skinned people do a much better job of protecting themselves from the sun. When the sun attacks  light-skinned people, thier body does not know how to respond properly. As a result it can cause abnormal melanin pigment in the form of freckles and brown spots. These age spots can be effectively treated as prescribed below.
Treatment                                                 Dosage
 Aloe Vera Gel                      ....60 mls,2 times daily before meal
A-Beta Care                         ...1 cap,2 times daily before meal
Aloe Scrub                            ...Scrub the skin twice weekly
Aloe Propolis Cream            ..Apply to face/skin daily
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