chronic inflammatory arthritis inflammation of joints in chronic disorders .
arthritis defor´mans severe destruction of joints.
enteropathic arthritis arthritis associated with inflammatory bowel disease or following bacterial infection of the bowel.
infectious arthritis arthritis caused by bacteria, rickettsiae, mycoplasmas, viruses, fungi, or parasites.
juvenile rheumatoid arthritis rheumatoid arthritis in children, with swelling, tenderness, and pain involving one or more joints, sometimes leading to impaired growth and development, limitation of movement, and ankylosis and flexion contractures of the joints; often accompanied by systemic manifestations.
menopausal arthritis that seen in some menopausal women, due to ovarian hormonal deficiency, and marked by pain in the small joints, shoulders, elbows, or knees.
arthritis mu´tilans severe deforming polyarthritis with gross bone and cartilage destruction, an atypical variant of rheumatoid arthritis.
rheumatoid arthritis a chronic systemic disease primarily of the joints, usually polyarticular, marked by inflammatory changes in the synovial membranes and articular structures and by atrophy and rarefaction of the bones. In late stages, deformity and ankylosis develop.
septic arthritis , suppurative arthritis a form marked by purulent joint infiltration, chiefly due to bacterial infection but also seen in Reiter's disease.
tuberculous arthritis that secondary to tuberculosis, usually affecting a single joint, marked by chronic inflammation with effusion and destruction of contiguous bone.
Rheumatism: any of a variety of disorders marked by inflammation, degeneration, or metabolic derangement of the connective tissue structures, especially the joints and related structures, and attended by pain, stiffness, or limitation of motion.rheumat´icTreatment Dosage
Forever Freedom .....60mls,3 times daily 30 mins before meal.
Garlic-Thyme .....2 caps,3 times daily before meal
Artic Sea Omega-3 ... 2 caps,3 times daily after meal
Lycium Plus ..2 caps,3 times daily before meal
Heat Lotion/Aloe Msm Gel ...Rub into sore area as required
Forever active HA ....1 Capsule 3 times daily
For product information visit.,
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