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Aloe Vera Benefits To Your Health

Aloe vera is a plant that is a member of the lily family. It has very succulent type appearance. The water storage capacity of these plants is very impressive as they can almost double in size after a heavy rainfall period. Also this plant is self repairing which means that if for whatever reason there is a tear in a leaf the plant will almost immediately begin to repair itself to prevent moisture loss. The dry regions of Africa is where the majority of aloe plants can be found.

There are literally hundreds of different varieties of aloe plants however only a handful are considered to offer great nutritional value and potential health benefits. The barbadensis miller variety of the aloe is considered by many to be one of the most beneficial as far as nutritional and health benefits are concerned. Aloe is primarily consumed as a drink but it is used in many other commercial applications and it is a great skin moisturizer as well as useful in providing the scalp with nutrients and thus can help people with dandruff problems.

Aloe has been reported to offer many health benefits including greater energy levels and endurance, improved immune function and better digestion. Aloe Vera gel has over 78 nutrients including over 20 minerals, several amino acids and numerous vitamins. Scientists are only just beginning to discover the power of Aloe Vera gel and its potential health benefits. However those that use aloe vera regularly in their diet report many health benefits.

In fact there are many that grow the plant right in their backyard. If the region you live in has dry climate then this plant could grow well there. Once the plant matures they simply slice a leaf off and extract the gel and mix it with a fruit drink or smoothie of some sort. There are many that believe aloe vera is the best herb as far as health benefits are concerned. It has been shown to be effective at reducing the levels of bad cholesterol, helping people with arthritis since it has powerful anti inflammatory properties and it also has the effect of alkalizing and neutralizing the generally acidic environment in most people's bodies.

It can also be useful at lowering blood pressure and providing the body with a great surge of essential nutrients that the body can absorb easily and use right away. Aloe vera can also be used in many first aid kits since it has great antibacterial properties and it has also been used to make many bandages. It is also great at lubricating the digestive tract and helping to keep you regular. It is critical to keep the colon moving because if things do start to get clogged then you may be setting yourself up for many potential health problems so if you suffer from constipation then aloe may help you.

Athletes can benefit from drinking aloe as it is a natural energy booster and will help to give you greater endurance. This is a far better alternative than taking risky supplements that can have many negative side effects. Aloe vera gel can also be applied directly to the skin as it is a fantastic natural moisturizer.

It is best to look for an aloe supplement that is made free of pesticides as these products tend to be of higher quality, look for the organic kinds if possible. Aloe vera gel can also be used as a preservative, for instance by dipping some of your fruits or vegetables in the gel it can increase shelf life significantly especially if the fruits and vegetables are of the organic type which tend to ripen and spoil much faster. Consider aloe vera gel as a natural herbal supplement to help you attain better health.

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