The size, stage, rate of growth, and other characteristics of the tumor determine the kinds of treatment. Treatment may include surgery,drugs,(hormonal therapy and chemotherapy),radiation and/or immunotherapy Surgical removal of the tumor provides the single largest benefit, with surgery alone being capable of producing a cure in many cases. To somewhat increase the likelihood of long-term disease-free survival, several chemotherapy regimens are commonly given in addition to surgery. Most forms of chemotherapy kill cells that are dividing rapidly anywhere in the body, and as a result cause temporary hair loss and digestive disturbances. Radiation may be added to kill any cancer cells in the breast that were missed by the surgery, which usually extends survival somewhat, although radiation exposure to the heart may cause heart failure in the future. Some breast cancers are sensitive to hormones such as estrogen and/or progesterone , which makes it possible to treat them by blocking the effects of these hormones.
Prognosis and survival rate varies greatly depending on cancer type and staging. With best treatment and dependent on staging, 5-year relative survival varies from 98% to 23, with an overall survival rate of 85%.
Worldwide, breast cancer comprises 22.9% of all non-melanoma skin cancers in women. In 2008, breast cancer caused 458,503 deaths worldwide (13.7% of cancer deaths in women). Breast cancer is more than 100 times more common in women than breast cancer in men , although males tend to have poorer outcomes due to delays in diagnosis.
Treatment Dosage
Bee Propolis ...3 tabs 3 times daily after meal
Garlic-Thyme ...2 caps 3 times daily after meal
A-Beta-Care ...1 cap,3 times daily after meal
Aloe Vera Gel ..60mls 3 times daily after meal
Lycium Plus ..1 tab 3 times daily after meal
Royal Jelly ..1 tab ,3 times daily before meal
Forever Echinecea ..3 tabs 3 times daily after meal
Fruits &Vegetables Take lot of it as required.
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