Blood is liquid energy. It is a substance that brings oxygen, hormones, and vital nutrition to every single cell in our bodies
Blood Cells are suspended in a liquid called blood plasma which comprises 55% of blood fluid, is mostly water (90% by volume), and contains dissolved proteins, glucose, mineral ions, vitamins, hormones, fats, carbon dioxide , platelets and blood cells themselves. The blood cells present in blood are mainly red blood cells which contain hemoglobin which facilitates transportation of oxygen by reversibly binding to this respiratory gas and greatly increasing its solubility in blood
What is anaemia?
Anaemia means that:
- You have fewer red blood cells than normal, OR you have less haemoglobin than normal in each red blood cell.
- Common symptoms are due to the reduced amount of oxygen in the body. These include tiredness, having little energy (lethargy), feeling faint, and becoming easily breathless.
- Less common symptoms include headaches, a thumping heart (palpitations), altered taste, and ringing in the ears (tinnitus).
- You may look pale.
- Various other symptoms may develop, depending on the underlying cause of the anaemia.
What are the causes of anaemia?
Iron-deficiency anaemia
Lack of iron is the most common cause of anaemia in the UK. This is called iron-deficiency anaemia. If you eat a normal balanced diet, it usually contains enough iron. The separate leaflet called Iron-deficiency Anaemia will provide more information regarding an iron-rich diet. The following are some reasons that may lead to a lack of iron resulting in iron-deficiency anaemia:- Pregnancy or childhood growth spurts are times when you need more iron than usual. The amount of iron that you eat during these times may not be enough.
- Heavy menstrual periods. The amount of iron that you eat may not be enough to replace the amount that you lose with the bleeding each month.
- Poor absorption of iron may occur with some gut diseases - for example, coeliac disease and Crohn's disease.
- Bleeding from the gut (intestines). Some conditions of the gut can bleed enough to cause anaemia. You may not be aware of losing blood this way. The bleeding may be slow or intermittent, and you can pass blood out with your stools (faeces) without noticing.
- If you eat a poor or restricted diet, it may not contain enough iron.
Other causes
Lack of certain vitamins such as folic acid and vitamin B12.
Red blood cell problems such as thalassaemia, sickle cell anaemia and other causes of haemolytic anaemia. In these conditions the red cells are fragile and break easily in the bloodstream.
Bone marrow problems and leukaemia are uncommon, but can cause anaemia.
Other conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and chronic kidney disease can also cause anaemia
Finding the cause of anaemia and treating it
A simple blood test can measure the amount of haemoglobin in your blood and count the number of red blood cells per millilitre (ml). Although this test can confirm that you are anaemic, it does not identify the cause of your anaemia.Sometimes the underlying cause is obvious. For example, anaemia is common in pregnancy and in women who have heavy menstrual periods. In these situations, no further tests may be needed and treatment with iron tablets may be advised. However, the cause of the anaemia may not be clear and so further tests may be advised.
Some causes of anaemia are more serious than others and it is important to find the reason for anaemia. The treatment of anaemia depends on the underlying cause. For many people this may simply be iron tablets. For others it may be a course of vitamins or other more complex treatments.
. Nutritional blood building supplements would necessitate sufficient iron in the blood .Nutritional Blood building supplements help deliver nutrition and get rid of waste. For both men and women, healthy blood levels are critical for supporting hormonal balance, reproductive energy, sexual function, muscle integrity, and overall vitality. However, women should be especially attentive to blood levels and they are more prone to be deficient in this area.
Treatment Dosage
Fields of Green ..1 tab 3times daily after meal
B12 +Folic acid ..1 tab 3 times daily after meal
Nature Min ...2tabs 3 times daily after meal
Bee Pollen ...1 tab 3 times daily after meal
Aloe Berry Nectar ..60mls 3 times daily before meal
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