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Aloe Vera is a Must For Christmas Shopping

Finally the time of the year that we all wait for is here. Christmas is round the corner. Lights, celebrations, and fun - the air is vibrant and replete with festivities around. Wine, pastries, gifts and other goodies fill up your shopping list. Unfortunately the weather God is not that kind at this time of the year, when you want to look and feel good. The icy winds and lack of humidity in the air robs your skin of the natural moisture leaving it flaky, dry and parched.
Perhaps you are still under the impression that some of the expensive winter-wear bought last Christmas, coupled with the expensive brand of moisturizer that you are so loyal to, would save your skin from the cold-weather onslaught. Think again before it becomes too late. Stop following the millions of ignorant people who rely only on their moisturizing lotions and creams to tide over the winter. It is time that you realized that moisturizers, however expensive they may be, only offer short-term protection to your skin. That also, only from the outside - while the problem of dry and chapped skin could lay a couple of layers deeper beneath the outermost layer. So, is there any real relief from the harshness of winter and keep your skin nourished, as if it was summer? Believe it or not, a plant, belonging to the cactus family, offers the solution!
Start believing in the goodness of Aloe Vera
Unless you are immune to what is going on round you, you surely would have heard this name or perhaps have seen it also displayed on the window sills of millions of American homes. In fact, Aloe Vera is the favorite plant of most American homeowners and it is used extensively for the treatment of scrapes, bruises and wounds. While its healing properties might have been behind its growing popularity in American homes, what many people do not know is that consumption of Aloe Vera can help you remain healthy too.
Taken in the convenient form of liquid or capsule, Aloe Vera builds up and strengthens your immune system, so that you do not fall ill often. Of course, Aloe Vera is unquestionably the best skin nourishment option for you this Christmas. You are perhaps aware of the transparent gel-like substance, which can be extracted out of mature leaves of the Aloe Vera plant. Now this gel can further be liquefied to make it fit for human consumption. Be that as it may, the liquid form of Aloe Vera is extremely distasteful and this is one of the main points why the idea of ingestion of Aloe Vera does not appeal to many consumers.
Now all the goodness of Aloe Vera captured in a pill - enter Forever Aloe
Finding a nutrition supplement containing Aloe Vera is not a difficult task these days, with so many brands vying for shelf space and customer attention. However, none of these brands have been able to retain the natural efficacy of the plant called Aloe Vera. The only brand which promises to offer 100% pure Aloe Vera is none other than Aloeride. This is the only brand in the market, which has captured all the essential goodness of Aloe Vera and encapsulated it in a convenient pill form, which is ingestible by people of all ages. And the best part is that since it is in pill form, you do not have to bother about its taste!
In case popping a pill is a problem is for you, you could also simply break upon the capsule, and mix it with water and drunk up the liquid. Winter typically depletes your skin of collagen, essential for retaining its elasticity.
When you consume forever Aloe everyday, the collagen levels of your skin remain intact and the moisture never dries up. Thus, you have a fine, glowing skin throughout winter. Yet another good point about forever Aloe is that results are nearly instant. All it takes is a few weeks of regular consumption of forever Aloe and your skin shows definite signs of improvement - with no sores or chaps visible. Your youthful and flawless skin is yours, despite the harshness of the cold weather.
Since Aloe Vera also benefits your digestive system, when you have Aloeride, not only do you land up with glowing skin, you feel an overall improvement in health too. Ailments like eczema, skin ulcers or digestive problems can be things of the past. So when you go out for Christmas shopping, keep Forever Aloe on top of the list. Visit for more information.

Whole Leaf Aloe Vera Helps 80 Plus Ailments - It Might Help Yours

Helps your body heal itself:

My interest in Aloe began years ago when I was given a whole Aloe Vera leaf in a bag and was told to rub the liquid on my acute sunburn, which immediately felt better. Not only did it have a soothing effect but I noticed that my skin looked clearer and felt better also.

That was some years ago, but more recently as I'm getting older my body just felt out of balance and I constantly felt as though I was suffering with something or other. If it wasn't sinus pain it was an upset stomach or dry skin, then the odd mouth ulcer and even though I bought medicines and potions from the pharmacy, the symptoms seem to return as soon as I stopped taking them. So, I really wanted something that was natural yet effective and remembering my previous experience with Aloe Vera checked it out and was amazed with the results:

Helps with: Acne, allergies, arthritis, boils, colds, constipation, colds, chronic fatigue, diabetes, dandruff, high blood pressure, herpes, infections, menstrual cramps, psoriasis, peptic ulcers, varicose veins, viral infections warts plus many more have been alleviated or cured using Aloe Vera. That's the reason it has withstood the test of time - it works!

Five Major Properties:

Scientists have found that the chemicals contained in the whole leaf of an Aloe plant have five properties that make it live up to its Medicine Plant nick-name.

Aloe Vera:

• lowers inflammation,
• heals tissue,
• is anti-viral
• is anti-fungal,
• is immunity boosting,

It is because of these properties and the fact that it's natural that Aloe Vera can restore skin both internally and externally, treating areas such as the digestive tract, stomach lining, colon etc, and used externally to treat cuts, burns, sunburn, stings, bruises etc.

It Gets Better:

Not only does Aloe Vera heal skin but scientists have found that it has balancing properties, helping to lower blood pressure, ridding the body of parasites in the gut, stabilizing diabetes, re-balancing the blood chemistry etc. In fact there seems to be no end to the benefit of Aloe Vera to the human body.

It's not new:

Records indicate that uses for Aloe Vera went back as long as 4000yrs ago, with the major ancient civilizations all making use of its miracle properties.

It seems that in modern times we are much more reliant on man-made drugs and have forgotten how to use nature's natural cures. We are becoming more and more dependent on over-the-counter medicines that with use seem to have less and less effect, and so we are faced with the prospect of prolonged use, or living with symptoms that effect our day-to-day quality of life.

What's in the whole leaf of an aloe vera plant?

Recent studies have shown that the outer leaf and rind contain much more of the therapeutic ingredients than the previously, mainly used, inner gel, but to maintain its effectiveness should be cold processed and not pasteurized where the heat degrades the enzymes. Now you can find out how to use the Aloe Plant and benefit from it's healing properties.

So if you feel under the weather too and don't know why, try natures miracle cure.

I'm so glad I did. You've got nothing to lose.

You can find out all the information on this amazing plant by visiting

Or, read my blog at

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Aloe Vera - A Miracle Plant Or Just A Myth?

Is Aloe Vera really a miracle plant? As the Aloe Vera plant has the ability to heal itself and the healing properties of this plant have been known and used for many thousand of years. Then many would say it is indeed a miracle plant. For others though they are still looking for more medical proof.

So what is the Aloe Vera plant? In simple words it is a cactus that is between 99 and 99.5 per cent water. The rest of the plant is made up of various other solid materials including vitamins, minerals, enzymes, sugars, phenolic compounds, lignin, amino acids and salicylic acid. Clinical evaluations have revealed that the pharmacological active ingredients are concentrated in both the gel and rind of the aloe Vera leaves. These active ingredients have been shown to have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

How can a plant produce such ingredients that can do all these things, when in reality there is very little solid material in this plant? Is it just purely the fact that the ingredients mixed together in this plant, produce a much greater result?

Aloe Vera was well known and used by many cultures such as Greek, Arab, Roman and Indian Cultures to mention just a few. Many famous physicians of those times used aloe Vera. It has also been suggested that aloe Vera was used by many Egyptian queens as a vital part of their beauty regime.

Aloe Vera is used to help with people suffering from leg ulcers, 'leaky gut', Irritable bowel syndrome, general well being, eczema to name a few. Aloe Vera also appears to speed up the healing process. Many of us will have used an Aloe Vera gel to sooth sunburnt or burnt skin. Using this gel reduces the inflammation and blistering, meaning the burn heals just that bit quicker. There are also Aloe Vera supplements pills, which promote general well being, great to use if you are feeling run down or want to take something to combat the common cold.

There are many Aloe Vera products on the market today. As with any product you should be careful to check the ingredients. It may sound daft, but when looking to purchase Aloe Vera products check to make sure that there is Aloe Vera in the product. Sadly, many companies will try and pass the product off as
real when really it is fake.

Rosie E has put down her thoughts and information she has found on some of the products available today. So come and have a look at what she has to say about Aloe Vera and other products at Dietreviewzone.

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Discover The Amazing Health Benefits Of The Aloe Vera Plant

From the leaves that have small spikes along their edges, come the health benefits of the aloe vera plant. Aloe leaves contain two different fluids. The inner part of the fleshy leaf is filled with a clear gel, a thin jellylike substance that can be squeezed or scraped, and the thick aloe skin contains a bitter yellow juice or latex which is taken from specialized cells along the inner leaf skin and is extracted as a liquid, then dried into a yellow powder.

So, what are the health benefits of taking aloe vera?

The health benefits of the aloe vera plant are numerous. The gel is most often used externally and is widely touted for being able to treat skin conditions. These conditions include minor burns, scalds, sunburns, cuts, minor wounds, and even external hemorrhoids. Aloe helps to prevent scarring, relieves pain and promotes healing of minor burns, sunburns, scalds, and cuts. It reduces tissue damage from frostbite, helps prevent infection, and hastens healing of minor wounds. It also eases skin irritation and inflammation. In addition, aloe is used to reduce psoriasis symptoms and to lessen the painful effects of shingles.

But wait, there are more health benefits of taking aloe vera externally.

Aloe has a reputation as being a beauty aid. It is regarded as one of natures best natural moisturizers as it is often used to moisturize and soften dry, itchy, or rough skin.

In fact, Cleopatra, who was renowned for her beauty, regarded this natural beauty aid as a fountain of youth, and used the gel to preserve her skin against the ravages of the harsh and harmful rays of the Egyptian sun.

Indeed, aloe is a popular ingredient in skin lotions, shampoos, and cosmetics.

What are the possible health benefits of the aloe vera plant internally?

The aloe latex – the bitter-tasting juice from the leaf's skin is taken internally to treat constipation. However, it's important to note that aloe latex is very potent and, as such, the latex is not usually used alone but combined with gentler herbs, such as cascara sagrada.

In addition, a soothing juice is made from aloe gel and it can be taken internally to ease heartburn, ulcers, diverticular disorders, and other types of digestive upset. However, there is very little substantive evidence to support these internal uses.

Some preliminary studies suggest that aloe vera also has immune boosting properties.

Side Note: Aloe vera is also available as a standardized extract, derived from aloe gel that is taken internally to treat ulcers and other intestinal problems as well as to bolster immunity.

Intriguing possibilities on the health benefits of the aloe vera plant …

Aloe is even being explored for its ability to combat the HIV virus and to treat certain types of cancer. Research studies are also exploring its effects in managing diabetes.


Indeed, even though the health benefits of taking aloe vera are substantial, there are precautions.
Aloe vera gel for external use appears to be a safe. However, on rare occasions people have reported allergic skin reactions. It is recommended that you discontinue use if it causes skin redness, itching, or swelling.

Pregnant or nursing women should not take aloe internally. In addition, women trying to conceive should not take aloe latex.

It is highly recommended that you speak with a physician before taking aloe for internal use. In addition, anyone with a medical condition or are on any type of medications should always speak to a physician before taking any type of supplements.

Bottom line ..

Everyone should consult their physician before taking aloe vera, especially internally.

Buyer beware that many commercial products labeled "aloe" do not contain enough aloe to promote much of any healing or any other benefits.

Meet us on the web for tips on how to buy a quality aloe vera product by clicking on the link below.

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Aloe Vera Soap - The Ultimate Skin Protector

Aloe Vera is a cactus-like plant but is actually part of the lily family. There are over 300 varieties of the Aloe plant, but it is the Aloe barbadensis variety that exhibits the best medicinal properties. It is well known for producing a thin, clear gel-like substance that provides soothing relief for common skin irritations. But another substance, known as aloe vera latex, can also be obtained from the inner leaf skin. When taken in aloe vera capsule form, aloe vera latex may help promote healthy digestion, cholesterol, blood sugar and overall health. Aloe vera products include aloe vera gels, lotions and soaps, which can be applied topically to cuts, scrapes, burns or insect bites for gentle relief. Aloe vera supplements are also available as both a liquid (combined with wolfberry juice) and capsule form.

Aloe Vera has long been acclaimed the "healing plant". It forms one of the main ingredients for making soap, mainly softening bar. It is one of the unique cleansing bars. Combined with original properties of soap, this natural ingredients works wonder on the skin. Usually, olive oil is mixed with Aloe vera with some other constituents like sodium chloride and fragrance to make such soap. These soaps are free from animal ingredients. Also, it does not contain artificial color normally found in other soaps.

Aloe vera contains a variety of materials. One of its constituent is acid, which is antimicrobial, anti-helminitic (anti-parasitic worms). This constituent helps in fast wound healing of skin tissue and ulcers. Another ingredient lectin has anti-tumour effects. It is well known that amino acid is very essential for repair and growth of human skin. Aloe vera contains twenty of the twenty two essential amino acids. It also contains lipids which is the principal structural components of any living cell. The ingredient Urea-nitrogen has pain killing effect. It also contains eight of the thirteen vitamins making it one of the main nourishing materials. The antiseptic and antimicrobials property of aloe vera is attributed to its constituent phenolics. Lactates and Salicylates have analgesic properties. It also contains significant quantities of minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium.

Aloe Vera is best known for its soothing and healing effects on burns and other wounds. Studies show that Aloe Vera when applied to a wound increases both the rate of wound closure and the tensile strength of the wound via the proliferation of cells, including skin, liver, nerve and blood cells.

Aging of the skin is characterized by thinning and wrinkling of the epidermis, combined with the appearance of lines, creases, age spots and furrows in the face. Components of Aloe Vera have been found to reverse degenerative skin changes by stimulating collagen and elastin synthesis, in essence turning back the clock on the effects aging has on skin.

Research has proven that Aloe Vera prevents suppression of the skin's immune system. This suppression may be one of the causes of skin cancer. In addition, topical application of the Aloe Vera can be made up to 24 hours after exposure to ultraviolet light without reducing the degree of prevention regarding immune system suppression.

One of the main reasons Aloe Vera has become so popular among consumers is that it possesses incredible moisturizing properties. Studies show that Aloe Vera improves the skin's ability to hydrate itself, aids in the removal of dead skin cells and has an effective penetrating ability that helps transport healthy substances through the skin. Each of these factors makes Aloe Vera an ideal ingredient in cosmetic and dermatological products. In fact, Aloe Vera is currently one of the most important ingredients in the cosmetics industry, being utilized in over 95% of the dermatologically valuable extracts manufactured worldwide.

Aloe Vera is believed to reduce severe joint and muscle pain associated with arthritis, as well as pain related to tendinitis and injuries. When applied directly to the area of pain, Aloe Vera penetrates the skin to soothe the pain. Studies have also found that ingestion of Aloe Vera on a daily basis can help prevent and cause a regression of adjutant arthritis.

Aloe Vera promotes a variety of anti-inflammatory responses in the body, reducing swelling from injuries and promoting recovery from infections. Such anti-inflammatory responses not only aid in the relief of pain and discomfort, but also enhance the overall wound process.

It is worthwhile to note that several of the cleansing bars available in the market are made form synthesized chemicals and are much harsher than soap. Whereas a true soap is made from natural oils (such as olive, coconut and palm) and is a gentle cleansing product more appropriate for use on skin than is detergent. Soaps, unlike detergents, are made by combining sodium hydroxide or lye, oils and water in a process known as "Saponification".

The soap with ingredient Aloe Vera is a true soap as it contains all natural oils and is free from synthesized chemicals. No wonder, it acts as a soothing agent in human skin. It provides the skin with its natural shine and glow. Aloe Vera soap makes the skin smooth and soft and quietly dirt free the skin pores. It also plays a role of moisturizer for the skin. People who suffer from acne and eczema and persons with dry skin can utilize aloe vera soap extensively. With its mild, smooth and creamy lather, this soap is the ultimate protector of skin.

To go directly to skin care products go here:

Aloe Vera And Acne - Is There A Relationship?

Aloe vera has some important medicinal qualities that are very effective in the treatment of acne. Aloe Vera has been used in a wide variety of medicinal ways both historically and in modern time. It is used to treat burns, wounds and infections to regenerate skin and provide the building blocks needed to rebuild scarred or damaged skin areas. In addition it aids in treating acne by acting as an anti-inflammatory agent and an immune booster.

Aloe Vera Solutions

Acne can be treated by either soaps containing aloe vera or aloe vera gel. Soaps should be used at least twice a day and the skin should be patted dry following the wash. A topical gel or cream application of aloe vera can then be applied to the inflamed or infected areas. Acne is not cured by aloe vera but the symptoms of redness, flaky skin, and swelling will be rapidly decreased with consistent use.

Aloe vera, in liquid form, can be applied to the facial area to remove excess oil. The face should then be washed with a soap containing aloe vera and then a commercially prepared aloe vera cream can be applied. This treatment uses all the medicinal components of the aloe vera to help keep skin looking soft and breakout free. The mild astringent qualities of the allow vera will prevent future acne outbreaks and help reduce redness and swelling.

Medical Findings

As far back as 1750 B.C clay tablets were written addressing the medicinal properties of aloe vera. A Greek physician wrote in 74 B.C about using aloe vera to cure infections of the skin, burns and to decrease hair loss.

In 1935 the first medical report was published describing the medical use of aloe vera in burn patients. It has since been the focus of many studies addressing the healing properties of aloe vera for all skin conditions, including acne. As with all herbal and medical treatments individual responses will vary with most users indicating a decrease in the redness and flaky skin around the acne blemishes.

There are no known side effects to using aloe vera externally. If any irritation occurs simply discontinue use.

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Aloe Vera Benefits To Your Health

Aloe vera is a plant that is a member of the lily family. It has very succulent type appearance. The water storage capacity of these plants is very impressive as they can almost double in size after a heavy rainfall period. Also this plant is self repairing which means that if for whatever reason there is a tear in a leaf the plant will almost immediately begin to repair itself to prevent moisture loss. The dry regions of Africa is where the majority of aloe plants can be found.

There are literally hundreds of different varieties of aloe plants however only a handful are considered to offer great nutritional value and potential health benefits. The barbadensis miller variety of the aloe is considered by many to be one of the most beneficial as far as nutritional and health benefits are concerned. Aloe is primarily consumed as a drink but it is used in many other commercial applications and it is a great skin moisturizer as well as useful in providing the scalp with nutrients and thus can help people with dandruff problems.

Aloe has been reported to offer many health benefits including greater energy levels and endurance, improved immune function and better digestion. Aloe Vera gel has over 78 nutrients including over 20 minerals, several amino acids and numerous vitamins. Scientists are only just beginning to discover the power of Aloe Vera gel and its potential health benefits. However those that use aloe vera regularly in their diet report many health benefits.

In fact there are many that grow the plant right in their backyard. If the region you live in has dry climate then this plant could grow well there. Once the plant matures they simply slice a leaf off and extract the gel and mix it with a fruit drink or smoothie of some sort. There are many that believe aloe vera is the best herb as far as health benefits are concerned. It has been shown to be effective at reducing the levels of bad cholesterol, helping people with arthritis since it has powerful anti inflammatory properties and it also has the effect of alkalizing and neutralizing the generally acidic environment in most people's bodies.

It can also be useful at lowering blood pressure and providing the body with a great surge of essential nutrients that the body can absorb easily and use right away. Aloe vera can also be used in many first aid kits since it has great antibacterial properties and it has also been used to make many bandages. It is also great at lubricating the digestive tract and helping to keep you regular. It is critical to keep the colon moving because if things do start to get clogged then you may be setting yourself up for many potential health problems so if you suffer from constipation then aloe may help you.

Athletes can benefit from drinking aloe as it is a natural energy booster and will help to give you greater endurance. This is a far better alternative than taking risky supplements that can have many negative side effects. Aloe vera gel can also be applied directly to the skin as it is a fantastic natural moisturizer.

It is best to look for an aloe supplement that is made free of pesticides as these products tend to be of higher quality, look for the organic kinds if possible. Aloe vera gel can also be used as a preservative, for instance by dipping some of your fruits or vegetables in the gel it can increase shelf life significantly especially if the fruits and vegetables are of the organic type which tend to ripen and spoil much faster. Consider aloe vera gel as a natural herbal supplement to help you attain better health.

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Healthy Brain - Happy Brain!

In this article today I want to share with you, my 3 top tips to look after your brain. The brain is one of those organs in the body that we can tend to forget when it comes to fitness. Ask yourself – “Have you neglected the grey matter for too long?” If so, these tips will help your brain get into great shape in a very short period of time. Go easy on yourself - instead of trying to implement them all today, why not try and work them into you schedule over the coming days or even over the next fortnight.

Ok here we go.

1. Drink More Water. OK you may have heard me say this one before, however this is very important indeed! The brain is made up of 80% water and this water plays an essential part in its function. When we are dehydrated, we can reduce our sense of well-being and significantly reduce our performance and our learning. We are also seriously risking our long term mental health. On average, the human body can lose up to 2.5 litres of water per day. These losses are through the lungs, skin (sweat) and through our urine. We must aim to at least replenish this loss on a daily basis. Try drinking more water throughout the day and eating more fruit and vegetables, as these too are full of water.

2. Eat the right fats for your brain! The brain is made up of a total of 60% fat, which includes – saturated fat and cholesterol. Now most of us may at first consider fat to be unhealthy, however there are some fats that our brains need to function normally. 20% of the brains fat should be made up of essential fatty acids or Omega-3 and Omega-6. These two essential fatty acids are important as they can not be made within your body, so you need to make sure that you are getting them from your diet. Eat oily fish as these are a well-known source of Omega-3 and Omega-6.

3. Exercise. Keep your brain fit by keeping your body in shape! Scientists have shown us that regular exercise can massively reduce the effects of depression, anxiety and stress. In fact in a lot of cases, exercise can work just as well as anti-depressants. Keeping your grey matter happy will also keep it healthy! You can do this by introducing a daily brisk walk through the park or maybe take a dance class!

So there we have it! By increasing your water, eating the right amount of Omega-3 and Omega-6 and taking a daily brisk walk you will already be feeling great and looking forward to a bright future!

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Dealing With Stress Through Healthy Living

Q: How would you describe the following, Christmas, Birthdays, New Year, Weddings and Anniversaries?

A: No not a time to celebrate or a time to be happy the word we are looking for is a time of Stress!

Yes all these times that should encompass happiness and celebration tend to give us sleepless nights, headaches and the feeling of a pressure cooker about to explode. Currently the credit crunch is hitting us all hard so we all need to be ready with the boxing gloves on to knock stress into touch.

Stress can be described as a person's inability to be able to cope with a situation or event. The symptoms can range from mood swings, flu, colds even hair loss but long term it can lead to obesity, diabetes and heart disease. In the UK, stress-related disorders are responsible for as much as 60% of all absenteeism. This equates to around 180 million workdays and billions of pounds every year. Therefore, anything that can reduce the damaging effects of stress will not only make individuals happier but will also make companies richer. By now you should realise just how damaging stress can be yet stress in the UK is still not fully understood and people suffering from stress are often pervieved as weak or inadequate! The reality is stress affects us all one way or another and in many different social and business ways.

What's the difference between positive and negative stress?

Positive stress is when you are stressed or worried about something but ultimately in control. Negative stress is when you really are struggling to control the situation and this can have a significant affect on your health. The amazing thing about stress is that it is a silent killer and although it may not affect you straight away, it could do long term damage which may not arise for 20 or 30 years.

Personal Training and Stress

As an Expert Personal Trainer part of the initial consultation with any client involves building rapport and getting to know the client and some of the questions involved relate to stress. The most surprising part of this is that the majority of clients say they don't suffer from stress at all when in reality the majority of clients do. Most people perceive exercise as a way to combat being overweight and poor nutrition where in reality it can be a major part of combating stress.

Exercise and Stress

Have you heard of the terms "pent up stress or stress release valve" well in simple terms all the stress you are feeling is pent up in your body and you need to release it. When you encounter stress you produce excessive amounts of cortisol and adrenaline and the feelings of anxiety and anger can increase. A chemical called endorphins is needed to clear your system of all the stress and exercise creates these endorphins. If you don't clear the system then fatty deposits begin to form in the arteries and this can lead to high cholesterol levels and other heart complications. So whether you are stressed at work or home going for a brisk walk, run or any exercise can make you feel so much better afterwards, so get out there and cleanse the body!!

Top tips on stress:

1. Exercise - No matter how little it is, do something to get your heart rate up a couple of times a week, the more the better. Exercise evens out your blood sugar and keeps your stress levels easy to maintain . If you have a stressful day at work then release that stress by exercising in the evening even if its for a brisk walk. Do some exercise and you will notice the difference when you wake the next day.

2. Sleep - to alleviate and help stress you need to sleep properly, having broken sleep or waking in the middle of the night is a typical reaction to stress. Aim for getting at least 8 hours a night and if you do fall short over a period of time take the weekend to catch up on your sleep.

3. Water - As a personal trainer I can't stress enough how important it is. Water will help you feel better, help your body cope better, keep you focused, control headaches, the list goes on. Aim for at least 2 litres a day.

4. Food - I know you think you had heard it all before but eating fresh fruit and veg makes a difference also eat a decent breakfast every morning. People who are stressed tend to have bad and unreliable eating habits this will just make the stress get worse.

5. Eat foods rich in vitamins B and Zinc such as spinach and asparagus also fish oils such as omega 3 help keep the cortisal levels down. Avoid stimulants like tea, coffee, energy drinks and things like coke, as you drink them you'll crave them more and the Stress monster will love it!

6. Step Back - As I said before people don't always realise how bad there stress levels are, step back and look at the situation. Ask friends and family their thoughts you'll be surprised how others can see a difference in you but unless you ask they won't delve into the problem for you.

7. Above all if you can't think straight, are arguing with others, not eating, sleeping etc and don't feel in control seek help. You're not a freak or feeble you are suffering from a medical problem like any other.

Final word

If you do suffer from stress I hope some of this information has proved useful and has helped. Being someone who has had to deal with a large amount of negative stress in the past I can relate to this disturbingly common problem that really can chew people up and spit them out. Don't be that person.

Welcome to Train2Live Expert Personal Training in Coventry and Nuneaton. At Train2Live we believe regardless of who you are or your ability as long as you have a goal or have decided to make a change we can help support, motivate and educate you to get there. Train2Live provides a professional service, we endeavour to provide leading expert advice at all times and we are dedicated to helping you achieve your goals. We offer a wide variety of services to try to reach out and help everyone. If you are a novice or a professional and are thinking or hiring a Personal Trainer look through our site and hopefully you will decide that we can offer you the best quality service available.

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Seven Ways to Access the Health-Giving Power of Raw Foods

Would you like to make a big positive difference in your nutrition with a minimum of effort? All you have to do is access the power of raw food.

Although some fruits and vegetables really have to be cooked to be edible (potato and rhubarb spring to mind instantly), there are many that will lose most of their nutrients if you overcook them.

We had a joke in naturopathic school about the 'old' Australian style of boiling vegetables until they were mushy and colourless: You could cook your veg this way, but you would benefit most if you then threw out the vegetables and drank the water they were boiled in; as that was where all the nutrients went to.

Vegetables do sometimes need to be cooked. Many contain phytic or oxalic acid, naturally occurring plant chemicals which deter insect pests. This phytic or oxalic acid will get in the way of mineral absorption, and also prevent us from absorbing the minerals in the plant. So by lightly cooking foods like silverbeet we are actually helping our digestion.

Because its hard to tell which vegetables have high levels of oxalic or phytic acid and which don't, the trick is to only lightly cook your veg, so that the phytic/oxalic acid is destroyed but the cooking hasn't continued long enough for nutrients to escape. A general rule of thumb for non root vegetables like beans, carrot, broccoli and cauliflower is 90 seconds cooking, either steaming or stir frying. Obviously some vegetables need longer cooking to make them palatable; like brussels sprout, potato and pumpkin.

Fresh fruit actually tastes better when its raw, and its so easy to prepare. By choosing to eat your fruit raw you're including more vitamin C and other antioxidants in your diet.

On a day to day basis, here is how you can increase the proportion of raw fruits and vegetables in your diet:

- leave the cans of fruit and vegetables on the supermarket shelf. Head for the fresh food department instead. Ideally, choose organic for better flavour and nutrition.
- avoid dried fruit; its really high in sugar
- when buying yogurt, buy the natural variety and add your own fresh fruit.
- Make sure you enjoy 2 to 4 pieces of raw fruit every day.
- Choose a salad for lunch either as a meal on its own, or as part of a salad sandwich.
- Use chopped fresh carrot and celery sticks for dips rather than crackers.
- Lightly steam or stir fry your dinner vegetables for only about 90 seconds so they're cooked but still crisp.

Naturopaths often refer to the 'life force' in raw fruits and vegetables, as these foods contain the optimum levels of vitamins and minerals. After a few weeks of choosing raw rather than cooked food, you will find that your wellbeing starts to improve naturally.

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Health Tips For Having a Tip Top Shape Body

There is an Arabian proverb which says, he who has health has hope and he who has hope has it all. Contrary to the belief, living a healthy lifestyle is not complicated or time consuming.Here are a few daily health tips to burn calories and stay fit while you work, play or even drive.

Foods that give your cells what they and food. To have a healthy body you must have healthy cells. In order to have healthy cells you must protect and feed them.Here are Helpful Health Tips to improve your health and better your body. You may not agree with them all. Take what resonates with you now and start to improve your health and your body will follow into "Tip Top Shape".

1) Fall in love with water!

Your body is a molecular structure of energy and is up to 70% water! Babies have the most water, being born at about 78%. By one year of age it drops to around 65%, adult males about 60%; however, fat tissue does not have as much water as lean tissue. In adult females, fat makes up more of the body than males, so they have about 55%. Over-weight males also have less water (percentage) than thinner males. Over-weight people have less water than thinner people (percentage). Put a label on your water bottle with a positive affirmation. Such as, LOVE, PEACE, JOY, HAPPINESS. It works wonders! Love your body to its new shape.

2) Eat NO White!

White bread, white flour, white sugar, white rice---There is NO nutritional value in any of it...NONE. Period. Find whole grain breads to eat. There are many, many choices. Bake with whole wheat pastry flour (bakes a lovely cake and makes a perfect pie crust)...yummo! For sweeteners there are many natural products to choose. For example a few are evaporated cane juice, stevia, sucanat, xylitol and agave. Eat brown rice---comes in long grain, short grain and Basmati too!

3) Find a passionate exercise!

Even if the first step is to stop using the remote and walk to the TV to change the channel. Walk somewhere. Preferably 30 minutes a day. The more you do it the more you will love it. Start small. 15 minutes then work up to 30 minutes...before you know it you will be at 2 hours! Great cardio!

4) Rest your body!

Take time out of your busy, stressful schedule every two hours to give your body at least a 5 minute break. Do not skimp on sleep. Your body knows how much it needs. Give it the rest. A healthy body (regardless of size) takes time to meditate at some time during the day. Take a meditation walk. Drinking empty calorie energy drinks to stay awake is not good for your body. Your body is wonderfully and marvelous made---all machines have to be shutdown or go into sleep mode. Give your body rest.

5) If you are a tobacco smoker now is the time to STOP!

There is no way to be healthy and smoke. I stopped. Twice. One cigarette kills trillions of cells in your body. Heart attacks are responsible for more early deaths among smokers due to coronary artery disease that cancer.

6) Laugh! Sing! Dance!

A healthy body is in a good emotional state. Enjoy life. No matter your size. When you laugh the whole world laughs with you. Enjoy what you do in life. If you do not, do something else. NOW. Find something that resonates with you. Something that you love. Have passion about it. Have fun within your life. Laugh, sing and dance and the weight will melt away...especially dancing.

7) Overweight bodies are toxic!

Period. If you are know if your are...this is very important. Lose the weight! Your health matters. Your heart cares. Do not go on a fade diet. Start eating healthy. Start reading the ingredients on labels. Know what you are eating. Calories are important, and empty ones do not count. Desire a late night an apple. Have a mid-day another apple. Grapes are good too. Eat to live, not live to eat. Also, read 1, 2 and 3 again.

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Healthy Eating and Super Foods Secret - 4 Health Benefits of Watermelons

Think back to when you were a child and when during the summer months, the pinnacle of cookouts and family gatherings was always the cold juicy watermelon that was for desert. When you were young, eating watermelon was about taste, but now that you're older it's more than just taste that should inspire you to eat lots of watermelon each year when the season arises. This is because watermelons have tremendous health benefits that anyone who lives a healthy lifestyle should be determined to take advantage of every year. With that said, let's take a closer look at some of these health benefits this fruit has to offer.

Health Benefit of Watermelons #1: Lycopene

Lycopene is an antioxidant found in most red-colored fruits, with the exception of a few, such as strawberries. Scientific studies have shown that Lycopene reduces the risk of prostate cancer and heart disease in people, especially men, the sex most prone to these diseases. Men who eat a diet high in lycopene are much less likely to suffer a heart attack then men who don't.

Health Benefit of Watermelons #2: Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is an important attribute to have in a healthy diet because it promotes chemicals in the brain that help people to cope with anxiety and panic, two psychological disorders that are on the rise in America today.

Health Benefit of Watermelons #3: Vitamin C

If you thought oranges were the only fruit that could provide you with Vitamin C, think again. Vitamin C is important to not only being healthy, but remaining attractive all your life. Vitamin C boosts the immune system so that you get sick less often and it also slows down aging and medical conditions such as cataract.

Health Benefit of Watermelons #4: Vitamin A

Vitamin A works much like Vitamin C, in that it helps boost immunity, but it also help your body fight off infection. It also prevents blindness.

As you can see, eating watermelon is almost tantamount to taking a multivitamin every morning, but with a much better taste. Watermelons are seasonal, which means that they are not available all year long, like fruits such as apples, which also means that when they are in season you should make sure and take advantage.

When you go to the store to purchase one you want to try and find one that is ripe and ready to eat. The best way to do this is to knock on the outside of the rind. If you hear a hollow sound then melon is ready to eat, but if you hear solid thud put it back. The fruit is over ripe and you won't be getting very good flavor from it. Buy you water melon and eat it within the first few days of getting it home. Everything about it is healthy, and in addition, it won't leave you feeling over stuffed if you eat too much.

So the next time the weather becomes warmer and summer is approaching, don't forget about watermelons. Eat up and get the extra boost they will add to your healthy lifestyle.

To learn more about healthy eating and superfood secrets, visit http:/ and grab free report that reveals all. Learn how you can perform better diet & weight loss at

Coffee - Benefits to Your Health?

What was bad news is now good news for coffee lovers. Earlier findings showed that coffee might raise the risk of major diseases and linked to everything from headaches to cancer. However new research published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, of more than 100,000 coffee lovers, including 84,000 women showed that women who drank two or three cups of coffee a day were 25 percent less likely to die of heart disease (the number one killer for women). Coffee drinkers were also found 18 percent less likely to die from something other than cancer or heart disease.

Latest research shows that the coffee habit may actually help you live longer, reduce your risk of premature death, protects you from other ailments. According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, people over 65 who drank four or more cups of coffee a day had a 53 percent lower risk of heart disease than non-coffee-drinkers. It may also lower the risk of type 2 diabetes, protect your brain against Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease, gallstones and fight against liver and colon cancer by filtering out pollutants and keeping your digestive system running smoothly.

Why a sudden findings change? Simply because most early studies focused on caffeine, and some - such as those studies that show female coffee-drinkers had a higher risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis (RA) than non-drinkers - failed to account for other risk factors, such as smoking, diet or alcohol consumption. Latest research is looking beyond caffeine to evaluate other substances in coffee, including antioxidants and other substances that provide health benefits to help protect cells in the body against damage.

A recent study by Joe A. Vinson, a chemistry professor at the University of Scranton -Pennsylvania, it was found that Antioxidants in a cup of coffee, regardless of whether or not your coffee is caffeinated, are quantitatively superior source of antioxidants to those in a typical serving of grapes, dates, blueberries, raspberries, and oranges. Coffee may be the primary source of antioxidants as we simply consume more coffee than any other source of antioxidants.
"Because Americans drink so much coffee, they get more of their antioxidants from coffee than from any other dietary source. Nothing else comes close," says Joe Vinson.

They concluded that the average adult consumes 1,299 mg antioxidants daily from coffee. The closest second largest source was tea at 294 mg. The next highest source was bananas at 76 mg, dry beans at 72 mg and corn at 48 mg, the typical adult American.

It does not mean that one should stop eating fruits and vegetable which, of course, have a much higher nutritional value; higher content of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Sadly to say that the Americans do not eat enough fruits and vegetables but rather in the average they drink 1.64 cups of coffee daily coffee is the largest source of antioxidants according to the Agriculture Department.

Overall, the decision to consume coffee should be based on your personal health profile. Drink accordingly. Also, keep in mind that, like any other herb or other substance you might consume, dosage is very important. Few people will be especially bothered by one or two cups of coffee, however, on the negative sides, coffee can cause a number of problems for susceptible individuals, particularly for those gulping down in large doses per day.

Irwan Lee is the owner of Powerhealths, and Click here for health watch and best natural nutritional supplements and its business opportunity.

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Orange Health Benefits

Oranges have been a source of nutrition for many years. With the many people interested in improving their health, oranges have moved to the front of the line of health. There are many health benefits of oranges that are interesting to a lot of people these days. Oranges are a big source of many nutrients that can help you to stay healthy. Some health benefits of oranges that help out our bodies whenever we eat one are:

1. Vitamin C- Oranges have a lot of vitamin C that helps prevent a wide variety of conditions. From the common cold to indigestion, the vitamin C helps with lowering a lot of chances to catching them. Oranges help with that mostly through the amounts of vitamin C levels. When you are conscience of your health and take vitamin C, you can prevent a lot of harmful things that can happen to your body.

2. Fiber- This is one of the most important aspect to the contents of the orange. Having the right amounts of fibers in your diet can help you with reducing your blood pressure. When you have lower blood pressure, you can prevent harmful diseases like diabetes. Fiber in your diet is very important if you are going to stay healthy for most of your life. If you are not thinking of eating oranges often, you are in danger of getting a lot of diseases.

3. Nutrients- Along with the vitamin C and fiber added to your diet, nutrients are important to have as well. Since vitamin C and fiber are considered nutrients, that is the first step to getting the nutrients you need. But there are others that are not seen. Micro-nutrients are in every bite and offer your body the strength it needs for the duties of the day. When you have nutrients in your body, you can do a lot more during the day than you would without the energy that you get from eating oranges.

There are some people who cannot eat oranges at certain times. For asthmatic people, eating an orange during an asthma attack is not a good source of Vitamin C to calm you down. There are many health benefits of oranges that will benefit you later in your life. Having oranges is a healthy treat if you are looking for something to snack on. When you eat oranges, you benefit from the many nutrients and vitamins that are found in every bite. Thinking of your health is the number one priority that needs to be of interest to you. Be sure to check with your primary care physician before eating any oranges to be sure that you are not allergic to anything.

Dr. Barry Lycka is president and founder of, the number 1 source of daily life advice.

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Weight Loss Basics - An Investment in Health

It is a true statement that we always find time to do the things that are important to us, whether that be listening to music, eating, reading, running, watching television, playing with our kids, or dieting.

On the face of it, how can dieting, which is not doing something (as in not eating) take time? Trust me, it does.

Personal Commitment

And here's the unavoidable truth: success in any venture-and especially in a long-term plan of substantial weight loss-requires a considerable personal commitment and investment; not only of time, but of money as well.


Some say that insanity can be defined as doing the same thing over and over yet expecting a different result each time. To change conditions, and to start losing-rather than hording-weight, means you have to change something. Not only mental factors such as outlook, intention, and hope-although these are all important, too-but you have to change what you actually do, actions you actually take.


Looking back at the First Law of Thermodynamics (which we covered in part One of this Series) you know that in order to lose weight you will have to burn more calories than you consume, and that means you need to exercise more, or consume less, or do a mixture of both.

Exercise takes time. You will have to set aside a time for it (and stick to that schedule). Calorie counting takes time (yes, you will have to count them, no way around it). Your old running/walking shoes are either falling apart, or you don't have a pair; that means buying new ones. Pick up a sweat suit while you're at it.

And who knows how accurate your scale is anyway. The one you have may be fibbing now and then.

This all adds up to investment.

Importances Revisited

You probably know, intellectually, that obesity is not healthy; and that the heavier you are, the worse your health will suffer. You can see why this is, and theoretically speaking, you completely agree. You're smart, you can follow the logic here.

Still, there's a disconnect. For nearly a third of the U.S. population these facts to not really have to do with them. They are not important enough to be of true concern.


A very rich man, on his deathbed, was asked if he had any regrets. Yes, he did have regrets. And these had nothing to do with wealth, or possessions, or consumption, or some failed corporate takeover bid. They had to do with not spending time with family, with not maintaining friendships, with not helping someone in need. His importances-in stark relief now against life and death-suddenly shifting to what really matters.

Health Matters

Let's say that again: health matters. Certainly a lot more than fast food and television. And to succeed in losing weight, health has to become important. Not lip-service important, but truly-touching your heart and soul-important. Without that connect the weight-loss journey is well-nigh impossible to undertake.

Investment Revisited

Even if you have to forego other, more immediate pleasures; even if you have to sell your television to pay for your new running shoes; even if you have to go to bed an hour earlier just to fit the exercise in: these are investments in a healthy life, and few, if any, investments could be more important to you, or to the ones who love you.

The multiTRIM Diet
All diet plans--except for the outright fraudulent ones, and be warned: they abound--have as their goal for you to burn more calories than you consume.
Possibly the most sensible plan we have seen in recent years is the multiTRIM diet which supplies all needed nutrients to maintain health and ease hunger in a fifteen calories meal-replacement drink; making the First Law of Thermodynamics work for you.
A multiTRIM Journal
A woman recently set out to shed 143 pounds over 18 months with the help of the multiTRIM diet. This, the blog-record of her journey, can be found here.

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Health Tips to Prevent Bad Breath

Health tips to prevent bad breath is something that all of us think about when meeting the public on a daily basis. Of course some of us use things like commercial mouthwashes that are on the markets, some of them are good tasting and some not good at all. I was thinking that maybe we should check some of the natural alternatives to commercial ones that are not very healthy for us at all.

Maybe you are like me that just can't stand the sting of mouthwash, but want sweeter breath? Let's not buy those commercial ones , and pick up a pinch of one of these herbs instead: parsley, basil, or cilantro. Did you know that all of these natural ingredients contained in these herbs contain the powerful breath freshener called chlorophyll?

Other excellent breath fresheners in the herb category include cilantro, for a bit of spicy taste, parsley for a more neutral taste and basil for that in-between field taste for us to try. Here are some suggestion that I have found that can be helpful and different ways of keeping our breath fresh. Dill is also rich in chlorophyll so needs to be added to our list of herbs to use. You can make an excellent drink by grinding the seeds in your bean grinders and adding them to a cup of hot water for a dill tea. You can also add dill weed or these ground seeds to your raw salads.

Peppermint is another herb that is known to have a Strong antiseptic to fight halitosis. The peppermint leaves make a great tea also and is a really refreshing and is known to help to perk up our brain functions also. I love licorice and to get that flavor you can all grind anise seeds or if you don't have time you can just boil them in a cup of water, strain them, and then you can either drink this tea or use it for a fantastic mouth wash.

Another herb you might have in your cupboard is cardamon. Did you ever think of using it as a mouth refresher? Try it by chewing on the seeds and then spit them out for a clean feeling in your mouth. Another use for these seeds, right.

Another thing if you are having trouble with really bad breath is you might like to consider is a colon cleanse as you might have a colon issue of bacteria there as than can cause really bad breath also. Just another thought to consider when dealing with health tips for Bad breath.

Blogging for your health matters offering tips for health at offering information on various health tips to prevent disease, immune system problems and eating raw foods for better for all concerned.

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Image is Everything! (MHM-Mental Health Matters)

The image you have of yourself is everything. If your image is that of a worthless bum, then you are going to more likely be an ineffective person in life and you need to turn the picture round and get a picture of success and well being, as you can be what you want and if you see yourself as a negative person it will be very hard to get anything done.

What you need to do is have a positive image of yourself, then we can move forward with the building of the perfect you. So the image you have of yourself needs to be a positive one and you need to be able to see things that are yet to be. To see the future and to mold and shape it in any form that you so need to get to where it is that you want to go. See yourself buying the new house, see yourself getting the new job and continues to build you up in a very positive way.

Slowly the picture will start to change and since you saw that new job and new car and the pack of cigarettes thrown out the window, you now have that much more of a chance to get these things as you have planted the seeds that you need to bring the thought to the next level and that is reality, continue to think about what car you want and what kind of house you want and what color you want in each room, because when you see these things over and over and over again the closer you are to seeing them happen and happen they will, with a little help from your imagination the minds most powerful tool.

It can bring a dream into a reality and that is what I mean buy positive image and seeing things that are yet to be, and holding on to them until you are changed and your future seems to start to become different and the results start to come in as it was the first thought of your imagination that made it all so clear. Holding on to whom and what you want to be is important also.

Be the husband that you want, see yourself helping your wife out around the house, sees yourself playing with your kids as the great dad that you want to be. See the image of yourself getting more and more positive as the days roll on. You really can shape up your image with thought it is so true. Think of the stuff you want and see yourself doing whatever it is that you need to get there and continue on until you start to see results and that will in turn have a greater effect on your image it will be like a giant snowball rolling down a big hill, it just keeps getting bigger and bigger as it goes farther and father down until it is so big that you can’t believe how huge it’s gotten.

That can be just like your image as you slowly continue to build it up and up as the things start to change and before you know it you have a huge snowball or in this case your image is grand as there is now nothing that you can’t do! This won’t happen overnight but if you keep the right image of yourself you shall soon see the difference and all shall become clear as your future UN folds unto another successful year.

Take it day by day and if something does not work out continue to see the picture until you start to see results you want and results are all that you need to start the snow ball rolling down that giant hills we call life and once you see it begin to hold on to the positive picture of yourself and keep all your dreams near as they all shall start to come into focus, things will start to become clear as the snowball gets bigger year after year.

When you have a giant snowball and your dreams are now free to develop unto all that maybe, the problem with your image is now just a dream, a dream of the past far away it may be as your image is rock solid not just dreams. Dreams have become reality as now you can see that all along all you needed was your image to be set free.

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The name Honey is coined from the greek word' melli'.It is the name given to the sweet yellowish liquid that is produced by honey bees(bees is Apis in greek).The taste is distinctive from sugar and a nutritional value that is much higher than sugar.It is collected from a wide variety of flowers and forms a major source of food for the bees.It is stored in the hive of the bees and is used by them either in winters or when the food supply (flowers) is low.The bee-reerers extract the honey from the hives and thereafter,it is purified and sold in the market.
t has been found to bestow a number of health and nutritional benefit on users and these are mentioned below.
  • Having antiseptic properties,honey is good for treating burns,infected surgical wounds and ulcers.
  • Honey has been found to have anti-bacterial properties which seem to increase when mixedwith water.
  • Honey helps in cleansing blood and has positive effects on on the regulation of blood circulation.
  • Consumption of honey is believed to provide relief from diarrhea and dysentery.
  • Taking 1 teaspoon of honey mixed with juice of half lemon and added to a glass of hot water in the morning helps to reduce stomach pain.
  • When used in form of face mask,honey helps in rejuvenating the skin and also helps in reducing the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Honey is good for those trying to lose weight because of the lower calories.
  • It is used in maintaining oral health because it reduces production of acid in the mouth.
  • It makes body heal faster and helps in convalescence.
  • Honey has been found to be beneficial for those suffering from:Baldness,Asthma,Headache and Migraine,Infertility,Hay fever,Anaemia,High blood pressure,fatigue and exhaustion ,insomnia and insect bites.