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Health Tips For Having a Tip Top Shape Body

There is an Arabian proverb which says, he who has health has hope and he who has hope has it all. Contrary to the belief, living a healthy lifestyle is not complicated or time consuming.Here are a few daily health tips to burn calories and stay fit while you work, play or even drive.

Foods that give your cells what they and food. To have a healthy body you must have healthy cells. In order to have healthy cells you must protect and feed them.Here are Helpful Health Tips to improve your health and better your body. You may not agree with them all. Take what resonates with you now and start to improve your health and your body will follow into "Tip Top Shape".

1) Fall in love with water!

Your body is a molecular structure of energy and is up to 70% water! Babies have the most water, being born at about 78%. By one year of age it drops to around 65%, adult males about 60%; however, fat tissue does not have as much water as lean tissue. In adult females, fat makes up more of the body than males, so they have about 55%. Over-weight males also have less water (percentage) than thinner males. Over-weight people have less water than thinner people (percentage). Put a label on your water bottle with a positive affirmation. Such as, LOVE, PEACE, JOY, HAPPINESS. It works wonders! Love your body to its new shape.

2) Eat NO White!

White bread, white flour, white sugar, white rice---There is NO nutritional value in any of it...NONE. Period. Find whole grain breads to eat. There are many, many choices. Bake with whole wheat pastry flour (bakes a lovely cake and makes a perfect pie crust)...yummo! For sweeteners there are many natural products to choose. For example a few are evaporated cane juice, stevia, sucanat, xylitol and agave. Eat brown rice---comes in long grain, short grain and Basmati too!

3) Find a passionate exercise!

Even if the first step is to stop using the remote and walk to the TV to change the channel. Walk somewhere. Preferably 30 minutes a day. The more you do it the more you will love it. Start small. 15 minutes then work up to 30 minutes...before you know it you will be at 2 hours! Great cardio!

4) Rest your body!

Take time out of your busy, stressful schedule every two hours to give your body at least a 5 minute break. Do not skimp on sleep. Your body knows how much it needs. Give it the rest. A healthy body (regardless of size) takes time to meditate at some time during the day. Take a meditation walk. Drinking empty calorie energy drinks to stay awake is not good for your body. Your body is wonderfully and marvelous made---all machines have to be shutdown or go into sleep mode. Give your body rest.

5) If you are a tobacco smoker now is the time to STOP!

There is no way to be healthy and smoke. I stopped. Twice. One cigarette kills trillions of cells in your body. Heart attacks are responsible for more early deaths among smokers due to coronary artery disease that cancer.

6) Laugh! Sing! Dance!

A healthy body is in a good emotional state. Enjoy life. No matter your size. When you laugh the whole world laughs with you. Enjoy what you do in life. If you do not, do something else. NOW. Find something that resonates with you. Something that you love. Have passion about it. Have fun within your life. Laugh, sing and dance and the weight will melt away...especially dancing.

7) Overweight bodies are toxic!

Period. If you are know if your are...this is very important. Lose the weight! Your health matters. Your heart cares. Do not go on a fade diet. Start eating healthy. Start reading the ingredients on labels. Know what you are eating. Calories are important, and empty ones do not count. Desire a late night an apple. Have a mid-day another apple. Grapes are good too. Eat to live, not live to eat. Also, read 1, 2 and 3 again.

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